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An Assessment of the Availability and Use of Personal Protective Equipment Among Nurses in Borno State

  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
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  • NGN 5000

Background of the Study

The importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) in healthcare settings cannot be overstated, especially in protecting healthcare workers from exposure to infectious diseases. Nurses, who are at the frontline of patient care, are particularly vulnerable to infections, such as tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and, more recently, COVID-19. In regions like Borno State, where healthcare infrastructure has been strained due to ongoing conflict and displacement, the availability and proper use of PPE is even more critical (Ahmed & Yusuf, 2024).

Despite the global emphasis on infection prevention and control, studies have shown that there is often inadequate provision of PPE in many healthcare facilities, especially in resource-poor settings. This study seeks to assess the availability, use, and factors influencing the use of PPE among nurses in Borno State, focusing on the implications for nurse safety and patient care.

Statement of the Problem

Nurses in Borno State face significant challenges in ensuring adequate protection from infectious diseases, given the shortage of PPE and the harsh conditions in many healthcare settings (Abubakar et al., 2024). Despite the critical role of PPE in preventing the transmission of diseases, there is limited research on the availability, usage, and effectiveness of PPE in Borno State. Inadequate access to PPE can expose nurses to health risks, jeopardizing their safety and the quality of care they provide to patients.

This study aims to evaluate the availability and use of PPE among nurses in Borno State and identify factors that influence proper PPE usage.

Objectives of the Study

1. To assess the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) in healthcare facilities in Borno State.

2. To examine the usage patterns of PPE among nurses in Borno State.

3. To identify factors that influence the proper use of PPE among nurses in Borno State.

Research Questions

1. What is the level of availability of personal protective equipment in healthcare facilities in Borno State?

2. How effectively do nurses use personal protective equipment in Borno State?

3. What factors influence the proper use of PPE among nurses in Borno State?

Research Hypotheses

1. The availability of PPE is inadequate in healthcare facilities in Borno State.

2. Nurses in Borno State do not consistently use PPE due to shortages and lack of proper training.

3. Training programs and improved supply chains will lead to increased proper use of PPE among nurses in Borno State.

Definitions of Terms

• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Equipment worn by healthcare workers to protect themselves from infectious diseases and hazardous materials, including gloves, gowns, masks, and face shields.

• Nurses’ Use of PPE: The proper application of protective gear by nurses during patient care to prevent exposure to harmful pathogens.


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